Mar 7, 2009

25 random facts about me

1. I am an eating-machine.

2. And I’m a sleeping-worm.

3. I am smart, yet gullible.

4. I consider Love the most important thing in my life. And by love I mean love for family, for lovers, for friends and for myself.

5. I usually forget what I should remember and remember what I should forget. It’s a tragedy.

6. I’m afraid of height. But I went paragliding and want to do bungee jump.

7. I’m not really good at sports. Hence I don’t like competing, especially competing with the ones I love.

8. I believe in fate. And believe that fate is subjective.

9. I don’t get along well with those who are so serious. I love to make people laugh and love the ones who can make me laugh even more.

10. I can drink quite well but have never been drunk. My friends want to get me drunk one day. I’m also curious about the drunk me, but I guess I’m terrified by the thought of totally losing control of myself.

11. I bite my own nails, but when my friends asked me to help with theirs, I used the nail clippers, not my teeth :P

12. I am not afraid of and adapt well to all changes in life. Not in love.

13. I can’t stand routine. I want to live everyday differently. Do different works, be in different places and try different things .

14. I’m internet addicted. No surprise to see me online 12 hours per day, almost everyday.

15. I’m crazy outside and serious inside.

16. I like crafts and doing crafts.

17. I’m Virgo. That tells a lot about me, except for the timid and stable part.

18. I have a bad habit of worrying about things, even those which peole think are trivial.

19. I sometimes don’t know what I want, but I always know what I don’t want. And there is no way to make me do what I don’t want to.

20. I’m not good at showing my sympathy and sweet-talk (that’s why I’m friend of Linh Xinh, haha). So when I do, don’t doubt it.

21. I’m still looking for the Prince who doesn’t think I’m just a frog on his way. Yeap, to be Ms. Right, not Ms. Right Now :P

22. I have good fortune in friendship. I’m blessed to have a lot of friends who always love me and bear with me even though they keep complaining about how crazy I am :D

23. I start to learn photography. I love taking smiles and happy moments of people around me, which makes me happy too.

24. Faith and honest are the essentials that I require in any kind of relationships.

25. Finally, I’m quite patient. That’s how I can finish this list.


Mar 4, 2009

A quiet summer afternoon @ Yen

I am not a fan of coffee. In fact my heart cannot stand strong caffeine. But I love nice coffee shops. It's easy for me to fall in love with cozy environments, nice decorations and beautiful details. And I'd love to introduce as well as be introduced to such places.

Yen was hidden in a quiet valley which kinda separate it from the noisy and crowded world. It is only meant for those who looking for it.
The hidden entrance
This place looks like an artist studio. I was impressed by all the natural lighting, white and simple decor here.
It not only has nice decoration but also nice guests. You can always find some guests passionately play guitar or piano here.
Details details
The light keep changing during the time, making some wonderful moments.
I also love the old books here, just like they are from museum.
And here is the stage.
A Zen place
And the people :)

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