Sep 19, 2008

Beautiful Sunday

As I stay in HCMC for the weekend, I accompanied the wedding shooting of my friend’s sister as an amateur photographer. Yeah, luckily she had a professional one already.

Leaving my house at 10:30am, we went to have Pho while waiting for the bride to take her make-up and hair-do on. And we got to the place exactly at 12pm, the hottest time on a day :P

The crew includes 1 pro photographer, 2 amateur ones, 4 supporters and of course the main characters of the day – the bride and the groom. Here we are

However, after just 10’ focusing on the bride and groom, we then leave them alone with their photographer to find a place to take pictures for us. Well, you can say that it was more like our picnic than their wedding shooting day. So here is the scene

Anyway, by the end of the day, we had so many good pictures for them that they were all happy and forgave us, ha ha.

And off course, US.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. In a wedding shooting, do as the bride does :D

… and as the groom and bride do :P

Me and the gang

My tiny cutie feet

Even with the exhaust-pipes :P …

And after 3 hours running around, we finally got all tired. So we finished the work quick and then headed to District 7 for the delicious Eel food. I can tell that my friends are addicted to it, and through their word of mouth, many others are asking me to let them try :D
This time, I remembered to take the pictures

Fried eel

Deep fried eel

Delicious sauces

And Eel hotpot
